April 2007
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I can lose, too
Being owned
And what does that say about me?
Hassan wants revenge
EPT Monte Carlo
Schenefeld Open
Full stomach, big fun
Katja made EPT final table in Warsaw
3rd, wow
Go, Lucky, Go!

Thomas on Back from Cardiff
Eve Campbell on I can lose, too
cockmongrel on I can lose, too
Henning on I can lose, too
Mirjam on Being owned
Simon Young on I can lose, too
shaGa on Being owned
Matt on I can lose, too
Bonushure on I can lose, too
Razboynik on Being owned
calldown on Being owned
garthpower on Being owned
wusel on And what does that say about me?
OpaaufPoka on And what does that say about me?
freddy on And what does that say about me?
torschtl on And what does that say about me?
stef on And what does that say about me?
Eve Campbell on And what does that say about me?
Seb on And what does that say about me?
ragen on Hassan wants revenge
50outs on Hassan wants revenge
on Hassan wants revenge
brandon on EPT Monte Carlo
any2nofoldem on Full stomach, big fun
Florian K. on Schenefeld Open

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I can lose, too Apr 27, 2007/11:15 PM

Not enough talking Katja into a game to high for our bankroll and skill (the $200/400 disaster last Monday) but the very next day I went to our new "friendly" Omaha High Pot Limit game in town. It is played with 500 table stake and 10/20/40 blinds (40 being the usal live straddle) but other than in our Holdem PL game here many players buying in for large amounts, like 3-5k. Also this is not exactly an "easy game" as there are at least 3 full time pros (and I mean online Omaha PL professionals) like Minh, Thang Duc Nguyen (EPT Baden winner) and Paymen. Add strong players like Tony Vardjawand, Katja and highly successful and skilled player Benjamin Kang and you see you're not exactly in DeadMoneyLand. Feeling I still have an edge (lol) I followed the call of "Don Koopeone" who is in every cash game on the planet since his large winning in the Sunday Million and in charge of the live Omaha scene in Hamburg.

Frank "Don Koopeone" Koopman

Right from the start I lost - after a few minutes I flopped top set Aces and lost vs. some ridicoulus draw (backdoor straight, 8 high flush draw) and it went down this way all night - long story short I lost more than 10k euros (Sebastian Luckbox winning more than half of that) and the only reason it was not a few thousand euros more was that I bluffed three players out of a big pot - and each had a better hand! Frank and Kai were all-in, I turned a set of eights on an Js-Ts-Ah-8s board and went all-in into an already large pot: Sebastian folded a set of tens, Jan-Peter Jachtmann folded a straight and Peymen folded a small flush. River was the last ten and I won vs. both all-in players a nice 5k pot.

A hand after 10 minutes of play - Omaha sharks, come to Hamburg!

Btw, there have been some speculations about the amount we lost in that 200/400 game last Monday - ridiculous amounts have been mentioned :D. Actually it was exactly 38 big bets, still enough, but not really that much for a shorthanded limit holdem game. We talked with Patriksjold about the game and the players and compared to the daily swings he sometimes has 38 BB are looking like a piece of cake. I looked up our PT database - overall there are only 4 sessions with 927 hands in the $200/400 game (yet), net loss right now is $5,328 or 13 BB. [***Edit*** I had some of Katja's PT stats publsiehd here but she asked me to remove them ***] ... - so thank you all so much for your offers but we don't need your financial help yet ;). And yes, we might go broke by playing there but not exactly tomorrow ;)

On Wednesday Casino Schenefeld held their first monthly €400 buyin tournament. It was not well known yet so only 26 players showed up but some of those are among the toughest you can find here in North Germany. I busted in about 15th place and was so tired that I left the (smaller) Omaha PL game they had after I won my tournament buyin (lol). While I was sleeping at midnight Katja went on to win the tournament and ease my bankroll pain :D.

Let me pimp my buddies from www.hochgepokert.tv here - they are doing a great job in reporting from WPT Las Vegas!   

Category: Our poker life

Comments: Hi, what´s that picture? a new form of money-posing? btw. your buddies from pokertv have a good site, no question. but there anchor front man is boring - has some sleeping in his voice. Regards, Jan

Posted by: Bonushure (Apr 28, 2007 7:34:37 AM)
Katja, congratulations on winning the tournament. Having all kind of people speculating on how you do and end up comes with being well-known these days. I remember all the talks about Jennifer Harman before she broke through - just ignore it and concentrate on your game. Also, the 2/4 on stars is really the toughest game online, except some of the ultra high games elsewhere maybe. They say that already the 1/2 game there is *very* tough so kudos on beating that so impressive also. I wish you guys the best of luck in this years WSOP, see you there :) Matt

Posted by: Matt (Apr 28, 2007 8:59:06 AM)
I lose on PokerStars all the time!

Posted by: Simon Young (May 1, 2007 10:24:56 PM)
Simon Young is a fish...

Posted by: Henning (May 22, 2007 7:04:02 PM)
This blog eats goat dick. You both are donks and clearly haven't posted in a month b/c you both are busto. Hee-Haww!

Posted by: cockmongrel (May 23, 2007 9:16:21 PM)
wow, 50 outs got his own clothing line!!! http://www.cafepress.com/pokerhaven/503978 so that`s how make the real $$$! lol... I`m gonna buy a shirt, haha. GL @ WSOP

Posted by: Eve Campbell (May 26, 2007 1:43:21 PM)

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